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Thy Kingdom Come T-Shirt: A Prayerful Reminder

Thy Kingdom Come T-Shirt: A Prayerful Reminder

Regular price $27.00 USD
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Embrace the sacred with our Thy Kingdom Come T-Shirt, a garment designed to inspire faith and ignite the desire to pray. Crafted from soft, breathable cotton, this shirt features the timeless words "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done" beautifully inscribed on the fabric. The golden crown symbolizes our humble act of casting down our earthly crowns to worship God, the King of Glory, in reverent adoration and awe.

As you don this shirt, let it serve as a gentle nudge, reminding you to pause, reflect, and connect with the divine. Wear it during moments of solitude or amidst the hustle of daily life, allowing its message to permeate your being and guide your thoughts towards prayer.

With each wear, feel the warmth of faith enveloping you, grounding you in the knowledge that you are part of something greater. Let this shirt be more than just apparel – let it be a conduit for spiritual growth and a beacon of hope in a world that often feels uncertain.

Embrace the power of prayer as a follower of Christ and invite His divine presence into your life and the Kingdom to come on Earth as it is in Heaven. May its message inspire you to seek solace in prayer and find peace in the knowledge that God's will shall prevail.

The unisex heavy cotton tee is the basic staple of any wardrobe.  Made using 100% US cotton that is ethically grown and harvested.


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